Engage2020 has hosted the following three webinars:
How to Include Engagement in Horizon 2020
This webinar is aimed at researchers and policy makers who are interested in learning more about the options for engaging members of the public in research and innovation projects, in particular projects in Horizon 2020. The webinar will feature introductions to different types of engagement methods, as well as a showcase of the new Action Catalogue. The Action Catalogue provides an interface to explore over 50 methods of engagement and make decisions of which ones are best suited to different circumstances.
The webinar is available here
Powerpoint slides can be downloaded here
Engagement: The Future of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
This webinar is looking at future trends and opportunities in Responsible Research and Innovation. It is based on the exploratory work done by Engage2020 and will look at areas such as participatory research, citizen science & digital engagement and how these could develop in the future. We will in particular look at the use of ‘blended methods’ bringing together different approaches in new ways.
The webinar is available here
Powerpoint slides can be downloaded here
Broadening and Deepening: Mainstreaming Public Engagement
This webinar is looking at the key findings of Engage2020 – in particular the policy options that are available to ensure that public engagement in science and technology becomes embedded and improved in research institutions. The discussion will focus on the different options available across the differing contexts in Europe.
The webinar is available here
Powerpoint slides can be downloaded here