The future of the European science and technology field depends on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Wider engagement with European citizens, stakeholders and users is a crucial part of this emerging landscape. Regardless of what role you play in research and innovation in the future you will need to consider how societal actors can work with you to address societal challenges.
RRI requires research to be inclusive, anticipatory, reflexive and responsive, and there is a vital role for citizens, stakeholders and users in making the vision of RRI a reality. Already today tens of thousands Europeans are involved in participatory processes every year, and institutions are seeing the benefits.
The two-day conference Engaging Society in Responsible Research and Innovation: What’s Next? which took place 9th – 10th November 2015 in Brussels marked the culmination of Engage2020. The EU-funded project has spent two years mapping engagement methods and practice across Europe. The conference presented the results of the project and staged discussions of trends, needs, tools and instruments for an increased and better societal engagement in research and innovation.
The following conference material is available for download here:
PowerPoint slides from 9th November 2015
PowerPoint slides from 10th November 2015
For further information please contact us on contact@engage2020.eu.