Engage2020 aims to increase the use of engagement methods and policies in research and innovation. The project will do this by mapping and exploring what is practiced and by inspiring researchers, policy makers and other interested parties.
Engage2020 will
- Highlight what is possible for societal engagement in the coming years
- Map and explore existing policies and methods, tools and instruments for engagement.
- Arrange conferences and workshops to discuss how we can improve praxis.
- Inspire new actors to include societal engagement in research and innovation.
- Create an Action Catalogue – an online decision support tool on relevant engagement approaches.
- Inspire future developments aimed at policy makers and practitioners.
Below is the 7 workpackages (WP) that engage2020 follows:
WP1: Project setup
Project infrastructure with a project handbook describing each work package and tasks distributed among the partners, timeline and deliverables throughout the project.
WP2: Prospects of engagement
A report and anthology identifying the reasoning behind societal engagement in research and innovation. It explores the experience with and the debates on societal engagement in different fields of science and technology policy.
WP3: Scanning Praxis
A report and fact-sheet on current praxis and methods in Europe and elsewhere of societal engagement in R&I. Examination of policies, activities, methods, tools, and instrument used to support engagement including facts of relevance, disciplinary arcas, evaluations, societal challenges, addressed geographical scopes, resource demands, examples of use and known success and fail factors.
WP4: Future Perspectives
Publications and report on current or emerging trends which may develop into new paths for societal engagement in R&I. Development on existing praxis to initiate a report on promising methods, instruments and tools for uses not sufficiently covered by existing ones.
WP5: Societal Challenges Action
There will be held six workshops involving experts, stakeholders and policy-makers in the subject areas of each European Grand Challenge. Based on the knowledge from the workshops there will be developed an Action Catalogue as a decision support tool.
WP6: Dissemination and outreach
The project will communicate through the website, project brochures, an introduction video, network activities, policy briefs, conferences and social media.
WP7: Management
Efficient and effective management of Engage2020. Communication with the EU Commission, quality control, technical support and communication with the project.